About e-FLT


Objectives and Scope

e-FLT is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Centre for Language Studies of the National University of Singapore. Its primary objective is to disseminate scholarly information on research and development in the field of Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Asia and beyond. It publishes articles and book reviews in English as well as in any of the following twelve languages taught at the Centre for Language Studies: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Spanish, Tamil, Thai and Vietnamese. It will also welcome any information on upcoming academic conferences, seminars or symposiums as a service to its readers. It is unique in that it is multilingual and practises the policy of accepting and publishing articles in twelve different languages. There will be two issues of e-FLT a year, appearing in the months of June and December. e-FLT is published electronically in the Internet to allow it to reach a wider audience in Asia and the rest of the world, while keeping production costs to a minimum, making it possible to grant free access to the journal. e-FLT focuses primarily on – but is not restricted to – the following areas of inquiry and development in Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning:

  • Teaching Methodologies
  • Curriculum Development and Syllabus Design
  • Materials Design
  • Teacher Education and Professional Development
  • Theories of Second Language Acquisition
  • Theories of Second and Foreign Language Teaching
  • Innovations/New Technologies in Language Teaching
  • Linguistics Theories and Language Teaching

This is an open-access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the use of his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking for prior permission from the publisher or the author.


e-FLT Brochure

Journal's Policies

Please note the following policies which will apply to all articles and reviews appearing in the e-FLT:

  1. e-FLT publishes academic articles and book reviews in English and any of the twelve following languages taught at the Centre for Language Studies: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Malay, Spanish, Tamil, Thai and Vietnamese.
  2. e-FLT publishes articles which report on original research or which describe teaching/curricular practices based on previous research or relevant scientific theories.
  3. Authors are responsible for fluency and accuracy of language and for the accuracy of any references and citations.
  4. Manuscripts that have been published elsewhere or have been submitted concurrently elsewhere for review will not be accepted. It is the authors' responsibility to inform e‑FLT if identical or similar versions of the manuscripts have been previously published or submitted concurrently elsewhere.
  5. Please note that e-FLT does not accept submissions from third-parties, including agencies.
  6. e-FLT adopts a double-blind external reviewing policy. Manuscripts will be accepted (with or without revisions) or rejected in accordance with the recommendations of external reviewers.
  7. By publishing articles or book reviews in e-FLT, authors agree to transfer to the journal the right to electronically distribute these articles or reviews.Otherwise, the copyright remains with the authors who may publish their articles or reviews elsewhere, on the condition that a reference be made to the e-FLT as the original publisher.
  8. e-FLT reserves the right to make any necessary editorial changes.
  9. Authors will not be paid for their articles or reviews. As e-FLT will appear online, authors may freely download and print as many copies of their articles or reviews as required. Off-prints will not be provided.
  10. e-FLT does not charge submission, article processing or publication fees.
  11. The use of journal content is governed by the Creative Commons (nc) Licence.

Indexing Information