Volume 11, Number 2, June 2014

Claire Kramsch
The Challenge of Globalization for the Teaching of Foreign Languages and Cultures (pp. 249–254)
With the increased fragmentation of people and capital around the globe, and the increased connectivity brought about by the deterritorialized social networks, it has become more difficult to conceive of culture in foreign language study without falling into reductionist stereotypes or tourist representations of foreign reality. While linguists have linked culture to discourse and ways of thinking, foreign language educators have not really started to confront the global realities with which they are preparing their students to engage. It is no longer sufficient to teach the L2 of some national monolingual native speaker attached to a homogenous national C2 culture. The target has now become the multilingual multicultural speaker who knows how to “operate between languages” (MLA, 2007) and navigate between various cultures. But whose languages and whose cultures? Culture today has been reframed as historicity and subjectivity (Hanks, 2000). This article will examine the historical and subjective dimension of language-as-culture and how it impacts the teaching and learning of foreign languages in a global age.
This study compared effectiveness of song versus chant instruction against a combination of these on word decoding (word reading or sounding out words) and rhyme production among four groups of Taiwanese EFL fourth graders. Three intact classes were randomly assigned to receive one of three musical instruction types: song only, chant only, or combination of song and chant instruction, whereas a fourth (control) group received its regular instruction. The instructional period lasted for five weeks with eighty minutes of instruction per week. Researcher-developed sight word decoding and rhyme production tests rated each type of musical instruction. Decoding results for sight words and all words (sight words plus non-words) showed that: (a) three experimental groups (Song, Chant, S + C) not only made significant progress but also remarkably outperformed the Control Group on the decoding posttest; (b) the S + C Group significantly outperformed the Chant Group on decoding posttest; (c) non-significant differences emerged between the Chant Group and other experimental groups. Rhyme production posttest scores regarding real words and all words (real words plus non-words) indicated: (a) all groups significantly progressed in rhyme production; (b) three experimental groups significantly excelled the Control Group; (c) non-significant differences arose among experimental groups. ANOVA results of non-word scores on both decoding and rhyme production posttests revealed nonsignificant differences among four groups. Ranking of four groups’ gain scores (posttest minus pretest) across decoding and rhyme production is consistent: S + C > Song > Chant > Control. Four educational implications and several suggestions for future research are provided based on results of this study.
Walaipun Puengpipattrakul
A Process Approach to Writing to Develop Thai EFL Students’ Socio-Cognitive Skills (pp. 270–284)
In a competitive and product-driven EFL classroom context, more and more teaching approaches have been geared primarily toward assisting students to master language skills rather than building up their sociocognitive skills. Both blended skills are crucial to students’ future academic and professional success. This paper reports on a study investigating whether and how a process approach to writing instructions helps develop the socio-cognitive skills of 24 first-year Thai Sports Science undergraduate students. The study also explores the students’ opinions about this approach to their socio-cognitive skills development. The quantitative data from the scores of group writing tasks, socio-cognitive skills and self-assessment indicate that in addition to the students’ improved writing ability, the approach enhanced their socio-cognitive development at different degrees. Three underlying causes of such degrees are discussed. The qualitative results from ten students’ interview responses show that the process-approach instruction was viewed as a useful means to develop their affective, social, and cognitive processes. The paper concludes with implications and recommendations for further studies.
Hui-ju Liu and Shu-hua Cheng
Assessing Language Anxiety in EFL Students with Varying Degrees of Motivation (pp. 285–299)
This study aims to further the understanding of the relationship between two affective learner variables: language anxiety and motivation. The research sample was comprised of university EFL freshmen who were placed into different proficiency levels for required English classes. Results of the data analysis established that anxiety levels were significantly lower when students had a higher degree of motivation. The relation between anxiety and motivation was found to be stronger than that between language proficiency and motivation. Out of the three proficiency levels, the strongest association between anxiety and motivation was seen among advanced-level students. Learner attitude was also found to have a relatively stronger association with anxiety than the other motivational components for students at this proficiency level. The findings suggested that the combination of speaking anxiety and fear of negative evaluation acted as a primary source of language anxiety in the Taiwanese EFL classroom. However, the other anxiety subcomponent, general anxiety about English classes, was found to have the strongest connection with learner motivation.
Takayoshi Fujiwara
Language Learning Beliefs of Thai EFL University Students: Variations Related to Achievement Levels and Subject Majors (pp. 300–311)
The objective of this study was to determine whether there was any significant difference in terms of the beliefs about language learning among groups of students at different levels of English proficiency, with different age and gender, and majoring in different academic fields. Horwitz’s Beliefs About Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) was administered to Thai EFL university students (N = 532). In terms of two of the five factors, which were empirically identified by factor analysis in the author’s previous study, a significant difference was identified between groups of students with different levels of English language proficiency. Similarly, language learning beliefs were significantly different among groups of students majoring in different fields of study in terms of one factor. The findings suggest that language learning beliefs are different among the learners with different previous language learning experiences, which were reflected in the participants’ different proficiency levels and different subject majors.
Aubrey H. Wang, Ailing Kong and Tom Farren, Sr.
What Learning Environment Factors Motivate Non-Heritage Language Learners in Middle Grades to Learn Chinese? (pp. 312–326)
For the growing number of Chinese language learners around the world, classroom learning environment has a major effect on their L2 motivation. By analyzing non-heritage, middle grade students’ voices expressed in focus group interviews over two school years, we found students enjoyed learning activities in which they could participate actively and practice what they have learned. Students felt they were able to learn more when these learning activities were presented as competitive activities and were supported with visuals and additional resources. Students also expressed wanting to learn content that can be used in everyday context and have multiple opportunities to learn Chinese words and culture. We believe our study provides empirical support to Dörnyei and Ushioda’s (2011) L2 Motivation Self-System Model that posited that the L2 learning experience can help to create the basic motivational conditions and to generate and protect motivation. We also provide specific suggestions for teachers.
Onuma Lakarnchua and Punchalee Wasanasomsithi
L2 Student Writers’ Perceptions of Microblogging (pp. 327–340)
Peer feedback has been found to benefit second and foreign language (L2) student writers. Technology affords new channels through which students can exchange feedback, and one that has shown promise as a feedback channel is microblogging. The introduction of microblogging to lectures and conferences appears to promote greater interactivity, and it is posited that a similar positive outcome may occur if microblogging is introduced for student writers to exchange feedback throughout the writing process. Although positive perceptions of a particular technology are important for successful implementation, research on how the benefits resulting from microblogging use during lectures and conferences can be extended to the area of writing is lacking. Ascertaining students’ initial perceptions of technologies, particularly what they find positive and the difficulties they encounter, will help inform later use. This study, therefore, sought to examine L2 student writers’ perceptions of microblogging as they used it to work on completing writing assignments over the course of one semester. It was found that perceptions were generally negative towards microblogging, except for its use as a feedback channel. Access issues, usability issues, and a perceived lack of popularity of the chosen microblogging platform were put forward as aspects that contributed to participants’ negative perceptions.
Ngoc Khoi Mai
Towards a Holistic Approach to Developing the Language Proficiency of Vietnamese Primary Teachers of English (pp. 341–357)
This study compared Vietnamese EFL primary teachers’ self-rated language proficiency with the perceived level required for their job. Surprising gaps between the two levels regarding all five skills were reported. The teachers rated their language proficiency (on all skills, comprising reading, listening, writing and speaking) higher than what, in their opinion, was required for their job. While investigating the causes of such gaps and the participants’ low self-assessed linguistic competence, semi-structured interviews revealed a paradox which the participants were experiencing during a training course and their language proficiency development process. A discussion of a matrix of interrelated challenges underlying such paradox led to the call for a holistic approach with better collaboration among different forces at different levels to resolve language proficiency related issues in order to draft meaningful and long-term supporting plans in this context.
Review of “Reflective Writing for Language Teachers”
Reviewed by Stephanie Lo-Philip (pp. 358–359)
Review of “Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition: A Practical Guide”
Reviewed by Masoumeh Dousti and Sara Jalali (pp. 360–363)
(pp. 364 -367)