Volume 18, Number 1, June 2021 DOI: 10.56040/e-flt.181

I Putu Indra Kusuma
(Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha)
Speaking Issues Faced by Indonesian Students during Classroom Discussions in the US (pp. 5–7)

DOI: 10.56040/kusu1811

Citation in APA 7:
Kusuma, I.P.I. (2022). Speaking Issues Faced by Indonesian Students during Classroom Discussions in the US. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 5–7.
DOI: 10.56040/kusu1811

Without sufficient English-speaking skills, international students, including those from Indonesia, will face fundamental issues in their studies, especially in classroom discussions. A descriptive study was conducted to describe the issues faced by Indonesian students during classroom discussions in a mid-western US university. These issues were viewed from the perspective of internal factors such as linguistic knowledge, motivation, anxiety, and topic knowledge. Specifically, this study employed a convergent mixed-methods design. The 20 international students participating in this study were majoring in different disciplines and were selected using a purposive sampling technique. This study collected data using online questionnaires, consisting of 23 close-ended items, followed by semi-structured interviews with five willing participants. The quantitative data (online questionnaires) were put through a descriptive statistics analysis, while the qualitative data (semi-structured interviews) were studied using the content analysis technique. The findings showed that, in general, these Indonesian students had issues regarding correct grammar use and proper vocabulary choice during classroom discussions. They also experienced anxiety when participating in classroom discussions. Nevertheless, they did not have such issues in pronunciation, motivation, and topic knowledge. Based on the results mentioned above, possible implications for ESL/EFL are also discussed in this study.

Ali Ișik & Birgen Ișik
(¹İstinye University, Turkey)
(²Kabataş Erkek Lisesi, Istanbul, Turkey)

We are Reading the Stories We Write (pp. 18–37)

DOI: 10.56040/isik1812


Citation in APA 7:
Ișik, A & Ișik, B. (2022). We are reading the stories we write. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 18–37.
DOI: 10.56040/isik1812

Without sufficient English-speaking skills, international students, including those from Indonesia, will face fundamental issues in their studies, especially in classroom discussions. A descriptive study was conducted to describe the issues faced by Indonesian students during classroom discussions in a mid-western US university. These issues were viewed from the perspective of internal factors such as linguistic knowledge, motivation, anxiety, and topic knowledge. Specifically, this study employed a convergent mixed-methods design. The 20 international students participating in this study were majoring in different disciplines and were selected using a purposive sampling technique. This study collected data using online questionnaires, consisting of 23 close-ended items, followed by semi-structured interviews with five willing participants. The quantitative data (online questionnaires) were put through a descriptive statistics analysis, while the qualitative data (semi-structured interviews) were studied using the content analysis technique. The findings showed that, in general, these Indonesian students had issues regarding correct grammar use and proper vocabulary choice during classroom discussions. They also experienced anxiety when participating in classroom discussions. Nevertheless, they did not have such issues in pronunciation, motivation, and topic knowledge. Based on the results mentioned above, possible implications for ESL/EFL are also discussed in this study.

Son Van Nguyen, Anita Hanók
(University of Szeged, Hungary)

Students’ Beliefs about Teachers’ Roles in Vietnamese Classrooms (pp. 38–59)

DOI: 10.56040/ngha1813


Citation in APA 7:
Nguyen, S.V. & Hanók, A. (2022). Students' beliefs about teachers' roles in Vietnamese classrooms. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 38–59.
DOI: 10.56040/ngha1813

This study explored non-English major students’ beliefs about teachers’ roles in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms in Vietnam. To that end, a sample of 1565 EFL learners who had completed at least one semester of formally learning English at universities were chosen to participate in the study. The data was gleaned employing the Belief about Teachers’ Role scale (BTR), and semi-structured interviews. The descriptive statistics and the inferential statistics along with the interview data revealed that the participants’ beliefs typified a tendency toward teacher-centeredness, and that teachers played a really important role in the students’ learning of English. They provided guidance, explanations, corrected all the mistakes, and ensured students’ progress. Also, they were goal setters, decision-makers in objectives, activities, materials and numerous other roles. The results showed significant differences in genders’ beliefs. Male students’ views tended to be more teacher-centered than those of female students. There was also a difference in beliefs between high achievers, who are less likely to depend on teachers, and their lower achieving counterparts. The findings offered several implications for future research, teachers, educators, and stakeholders in the field.

(Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin, Indonesia)

Do MOOCs Help Indonesian EFL teachers Shape Their Professional Development Virtually? (pp. 60–73)

DOI: 10.56040/yans1814


Citation in APA 7:
Yansyah (2022). Do MOOCs Help Indonesian EFL teachers Shape Their Professional Development Virtually? Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 60–73.
DOI: 10.56040/yans1814

This paper aims to explore the impact of an intensive online training course on teacher professional development. An exploratory study is conducted by inviting thirty-three English teachers across levels of education in Indonesia. The data were gathered through a questionnaire and interview to investigate the changing of their classroom practices and professional development after the program. The findings show the intensive online training course allows them to experiment with different technology tools in their classrooms, to get a new perspective on online learning, and to acquire new ideas and strategies for teaching. The implications of this research give directions and recommendations for future virtual teacher professional development (VTPD) and the need for integrating technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in the VTPD program.

Nisreen Abu Hanak
(The University of Jordan, Aqaba, Jordan)

La pédagogie du projet dans un contexte universitaire : exemple d'application dans un cours de français du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie (in French) [Project-based learning at the university-level: example of application in a course of French for tourism and hospitality] (pp. 74–89)

DOI: 10.56040/abhn1815


Citation in APA 7:
Abu Hanak, H. (2022). La pédagogie du projet dans un contexte universitaire : exemple d'application dans un cours de français du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie (in French) [Project-based learning at the university-level: example of application in a course of French for tourism and hospitality]. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 74–89. DOI: 10.56040/abhn1815

This paper in French relates to the preparation of students for the active workforce, which plays an essential role in higher education. In this sense, Project-based learning (PBL) would appear as a means to conduct educational activities to promote students' development and acquisition of disciplinary and professional skills. The main objective of this work is to highlight how the application of this method can allow students in courses of French for Specific Purposes (FSP) to learn in a different way compared to traditional teaching applied within French departments at the University of Jordan. Methodologically speaking, a questionnaire distributed to third year students was used to survey their views on the issue. Results demonstrate the benefits of implementing this approach on the students’ methodological, transversal and professional skills. 

La préparation des étudiants à la vie active joue un rôle essentiel dans l'enseignement supérieur. Ainsi, la pédagogie du projet (PdP) apparaît comme un moyen de mener des activités pédagogiques favorisant le développement et l'acquisition de compétences disciplinaires et professionnelles par les étudiants. L'objectif principal de ce travail est de mettre en évidence comment l'application de cette méthode peut permettre aux étudiants des cours de français sur objectifs spécifiques (FOS) d'apprendre d'une manière différente par rapport à l'enseignement traditionnel au sein des départements de français de l'Université de Jordanie. Sur le plan méthodologique, un questionnaire distribué aux étudiants de troisième année a été utilisé pour sonder leur opinion sur la question. Les résultats démontrent les bénéfices de la mise en œuvre de cette approche sur les compétences méthodologiques, transversales et professionnelles des étudiants.

Fanny Janneth BAQUERO
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia)

Le stage pédagogique pour futurs enseignants de français langue étrangère en Colombie: un coup de projecteur sur la perception des stagiaires (in French) [The teacher training internship for future teachers of French as a foreign language in Colombia: Spotlight on the perceptions of teacher trainees] (pp. 90–113)

DOI: 10.56040/baqu1816


Citation in APA 7:
Baquero, F. J, (2022). Le stage pédagogique pour futurs enseignants de français langue étrangère en Colombie: un coup de projecteur sur la perception des stagiaires (in French) [The teacher training internship for future teachers of French as a foreign language in Colombia: Spotlight on the perceptions of teacher trainees]. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 90–113.
DOI: 10.56040/baqu1816

This article in French presents the results of a research study in which we highlight the critical eye of future teachers as part of the realization of their teaching practice within the framework of the bachelor’s degree in Philology and Languages (French) at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. We analyze a corpus of reflections written by the students taking into account: a) their experience during their pedagogical practice, b) the academic and pedagogical formation that they receive in their degree to face the diverse institutional and school contexts which the University has an agreement and c) the performance assessment dynamics of the student.  The voice of the students becomes an important tool and will surely be used for the improvement of future teaching practices.

Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude de recherche où l’on met en évidence le regard critique des étudiants en formation dans le cadre de la réalisation de leur stage pédagogique dans le programme de la Filière en Philologie et Langues, Spécialité-Français au sein de l’Université Nationale de Colombie. Nous analysons un corpus de réflexions écrites par les stagiaires tenant compte de : a) l’expérience vécue dans le stage, b) la formation académique et pédagogique reçue tout au long de la carrière pour faire face aux différents contextes institutionnels et scolaires en convention avec l’université et c) la dynamique d’évaluation de la performance des stagiaires. La voix des étudiants devient un outil important et servira sûrement à l'amélioration des futurs stages pédagogiques. 

Ka Long Roy Chan
(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)

Review of 'Teaching English as an International Language: Implementing, Reviewing, and Re-envisioning World Englishes in Language Education' by Roby Marliner (pp. 114–116)

DOI: 10.56040/kach1817


Citation in APA 7:
Chan, K.L.R. (2022). Review of 'Teaching English as an International Language: Implementing, Reviewing, and Re-envisioning World Englishes in Language Education' by Roby Marliner. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 114–116.
DOI: 10.56040/kach1817

Yulia Tria Hapsari & Winda Sari
(Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia)

Review of 'English Learning in the Digital Age' by Shuang Zeng (pp. 117–119)

DOI: 10.56040/wiha1818


Citation in APA 7:
Chan, K.L.R. (2022). Review of 'English Learning in the Digital Age' by Shuang Zeng. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 18(1), 117–119.
DOI: 10.56040/wiha1818